Tuesday 27 September 2011


Starring: Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill and Philip Seymour Hoffman

The true story of the Oakland A's general manager who decides to try something a little different in an effort to turn around a club that is being beaten by teams with much higher payrolls.

- When I first saw the commercial for this movie,  I thought to myself - "Brad Pitt - in a baseball movie?" No way! Every time the commercial came on, I thought - this is going to be a dud. WAS I WRONG!!!

- This movie is fantastic and Brad Pitt was cast perfectly as general manager Billy Beane. The supporting cast of Jonah Hill (equally brilliant) and Philip Seymour Hoffman (is he EVER in a bad role - this man is a genius) make this movie not only a must-see for all baseball enthusiasts and historians, but for anyone looking for a great story with fabulous acting. My wife loved it (enough said). A real surprise and another great acting job by Brad Pitt.

Rating - 4 out of 5

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