Friday 23 September 2011

War of Resistance & Colombiana

Student resistance movement in the Netherlands over the Nazis.

- Incredible bravery and courage during a time of pure horror. Still hard to believe that these types of things actually took place - but they did. NAZIS SUCK! Unfortunately, so did the acting. Dialogue was poorly written and some scenes were actually pretty bad. Probably a GREAT book.

Rating - 1.5 out of 5

Starring: Zoe Saldana

Trained assassin out for revenge for the killing of her mother and father.

- She is HOT! Other than that, not much to say. I liked her better in Avatar and even Center Stage. You get to see her in fairly revealing clothing (VERY tight) and in a shower if you are into that kind of thing - its a good movie. For the rest of us - meh!

Rating - 2 out of 5

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